Oregon trail simulation oregon trail, road trip with kids. Lesson summary this lesson allows students to work together in groups in order to plan their trip from 19th century midwest america to oregon. The students will make comparisons between the past and the present with a given situation. Oregon trail was a game that taught students about pioneer life back in the mid 1800s. What was it like to travel west on the oregon trail. The kids dress in 19thcentury style clothes and play pioneer games, cook johnny cake, and sew period quilts as we make the journey on the oregon trail.
This geography worksheet introduces fourth and fifthgrade social studies students to important landmarks along the oregon trail and asks students to find them on the map. Divide your class into small groups 4 students per group give each student within each group one of the 4 major countries goals. However, this one says it can be done in a school day. Students will create their pioneer character, stock up on supplies, and choose a starting off point.
Students take on the roles of various citizens from the 1840s and experience the challenges of traveling in a wagon on the oregon trail. Westward expansion manifest destiny in the wild west. Historical simulations a collection of historical simulations. It is a fun app that kids can play games and learn history at the same time. This printable includes a timeline and suggested activities for language arts, geography, art, and social studies. I stumbled across the lesson plan when i was looking for a lesson to go along with the oregon trail. During the journey, they will learn about obstacles the oregon pioneers faced on their way to the promise of a new life. Oregon trail simulation activity become a traveler.
The lessons in this unit are directly tied to the fourth grade state standards. Manifest destiny and western expanion, 4 day lesson plan with concluding project activity. The oregon trail was not the only trail, but it was popular. Pick up this fascinating oregon trail map and learn about the wagon train of 1843. After writing stories about contemporary crosscountry journeys, students learn about the experiences of the emigrants who traveled on the oregon trail.
So we designed an oregon trail simulation activity with lesson plans, resources, and worksheets where students become travelers on the oregon trail. A simulation of decisionmaking on a wagon train pioneers. Check out the the problem of the 1880s to promote improved help that his father better vacuum and a what you can achieve. Oregon trail simulation game and worksheet students play the game oregon trail and complete the graphic organizer and worksheet. Name three of the hardships that the pioneers faced while on their journey. On their journey they are rolling dice to see what happens along the trail. Oregon trail diary simulation students write fictional diaries. Become a pioneer on the oregon trail and experience the same perils they did in this interactive lesson. Pack your wagon lesson plan bureau of land management. Its a game, simulation, and an educational experience all in one.
Oregon trail ideas for teaching, resources for lesson plans. The overland trail the majority of those heading west packed their goods into a covered wagon and followed one of the welltraveled trails. In this gem of a game, you control a covered wagon starting from independence, missouri, and proceed along a 2,000mile trail to oregon. History and educational resources bureau of land management. Begin by asking students to imagine that they are producing a movie on the oregon trail. The print shop order on pages 4 6 is for the worksheets needed to teach this unit as written. Oregon trail ideas for teaching, resources for lesson. Lots of laughter, learning and realism in this online simulation. I will be writing it as we hit the trail this spring.
Thematic unit lesson plan the oregon trail introduction. Our education guide was updated in 2016, and contains five lesson plans for classroom or homeschool use. Some of the assignments and projects they will complete include. These reading comprehensions were not written specifically for the state theme unit. In the simulation students, organized in wagon trains traveling in the mid1800s, complete assignments and earn points that take them along a westward trail from independence, missouri to oregon. Oregon trail activities a collection of highinterest activity ideas about the oregon trail.
This simulation oregon trail lesson plan is suitable for 5th 8th grade. Kaelyn and her friends part by the use no limits on what is the second largest than thinking peak power. Free powerpoint presentations about the oregon trail for. Oregon trail page 2 these lesson plans were written as a guideline to teach the oregon trail. Treaty of versailles lesson plan classroom simulation. Traveling the oregon trail takes the students on a journey along the oregon trail.
After reading roughing it on the oregon trail, use these activities to extend pupils learning about the 19th century and the american west. Includes stepbystep directions, plus reproducible student worksheets, charts, maps, and rubricseverything you need to run a successful simulation. Heres what historians said about the historical accuracy of oregon trail, from the dysentery to the gravestones. Free powerpoint presentations about the oregon trail for kids. This blog will chronicle our class study of westward expansion as we become pioneers and head west on the oregon trail. Instructional software lesson edtech 541 portfolio. Along the journey, kids navigate the wagon through rocky terrain and across rivers, care for family members, hunt for food, and keep track of supplies. Wagon train social studies lesson plans for fourth grade. The oregon trail is a unit of study that has often been explored by using computer simulation games, which puts students in the place of pioneers making the treacherous journey from independence, missouri to oregon. They then have to purchase supplies at the general store before leaving. The students will keep an accurate ledger of their travel expenses. It is based on the classic pc simulation game the oregon trail, which was created in the 1970s. American history western expansion lesson plans, units. This is a simulation activity for the oregon trail.
This oregon trail simulation uses the oldschool oregon trail game to help students build an understanding of what life was like for pioneers traveling west in the 1800s. Besides learning about the pioneers daily hardships, the students will also become familiar with. The oregon trail game taught me an important life lesson. The oregon trail is a mobile version of the classic historical simulation game originally designed for pc. It is a wonderful simulation although mathematically challenging for some students. Aug 21, 2019 we wanted to create that same excitement. Oregon trail simulation lesson guide whats going on in mr.
In the modern era of internet use and facebook games, the students may actually enjoy it more without the online connection. I have worked out my own methods of score keeping for miles on the trail. Sep 25, 2012 i stumbled across the lesson plan when i was looking for a lesson to go along with the oregon trail. Missouri, in the largest wagon train ever to cross the continent to oregon. By 1843, when the first large wagon train was organized, a route existed across the continent from independence, missouri to the pacific ocean. Grouped into wagon trains, students must depend on teamwork to successfully finish the trail. Pioneers simulation by half hollow hills schools issuu. Donn has to offer on wagon trains, the oregon trail, the gold rush and world history. The oregon trail lesson plan helps students understand why the oregon trail is important, as well as the routes and experiences of the settlers who traveled the oregon trail. Its only appeal was that it was the cheapest way to get there. Oregon trail simulation medford schools 22 lessons, with fate cards, outstanding. An oregon trail lesson in group decision making, and what impacts our choices.
It was important because it allowed people to settle in the west. Includes directions for getting started, store for students to use to pack their wagons, daily simulations and journal prompts, journal paper, and comprehension. Now live it with your students in this westward expansion simulation packet. It is also the most historically accurate musical portraying the. State of oregon theme unit printables and worksheets. Its the highlight of the year for my students as they talk about this simulation for years to come.
The oregon trail, life on the wagon trains for kids and teachers. Did the pioneers and native americans always fight on the oregon trail. Oregon trail theme lesson plans, thematic units, printables. What type of animal did most pioneers use to pull their wagon. Reporters will come up and share what occurred during their game and what the group decided was their most valuable oregon trail lesson that they learned from playing the game. Students identify diseases that plagued the pioneers and find preventative measures to avoid them. For more links, lessons and loads of other goodies for teachers and kids, continue on to see what mr.
Each day they respond to a historically accurate destination that is written on the board source. In doing so, students will learn about different characters and people during westward expansion the route in which people traveled, hardships and accomplishments, and more about life during the era. Feel free to adjust the lesson lengths to fit your classroom schedule. Many of the other lessons i have found have been week long or even month long simulations. The room is noisy and full of activity and a favorite for my fifthgraders. Designing and creating a covered wagon keeping a journal of their traveling experiences.
It is not intended to be a stand alone lesson and it is assumed that students have addressed the topic of oregon trail in their class prior to completing this lesson. Thats when the oregon trail simulation began to take shape. You first must stock up on provisions, and then, while traveling, make decisions such as when to rest, how much food to eat, etc. Chart a new path with your instruction on the oregon trail with the help of a video lesson. Based around a 10lesson teaching powerpoint with pictures from the time period, the unit includes 15 days of detailed lesson plans, westward expansion. This lesson will provide students with important dates pertaining to the history of the oregon trail, as well as knowledge of the pioneersdaily life experiences. Jun 08, 2016 so why was i so happy to get onto this bus. We also offer living history interpretive programs, exhibits, multimedia presentations, and four miles of trails that interpret the oregon trail, natural history, and mining history. We end the year with a simulation game of the oregon trail.
Flight to freedom this roleplaying game simulates the experience of fugitive slaves. Students learn about the history of the oregon trail and its impact on westward expansion and the early growth of oregon. However, it adds a lot of other components to the simulation other than fate cards. In this oregon trail simulation activity, students begin their journey in. This is a 34 page interactive lesson plan activity and game that will directly involve students in the oregon trail experience. You too will soon join a wagon train and have adventures similar to many that those early pioneers experienced. First, students will be introduced to the instructional software, oregon trail. The students will identify with a character that traveled on the oregon trail through journaling.
The students work in groups of 46 with each person representing a wagon within the wagon train. In places, the path became 610 feet deep and 50100 feet wide. So we designed an oregon trail simulation activity with lesson plans, resources, and worksheets where students become travelers on the. Working in groups, they will write a scene for the movie that is historically accurate and based on the kinds of experiences emigrants actually encountered on their way west. In this oregon trail lesson plan, students brainstorm possible health problems and diseases for pioneers.
The oregon trail, life on the wagon trains free american. Westward expansion manifest destiny in the wild west oregon. This simulation is a nice complement to your existing oregon trail or westward expansion unit. This 34 page interactive lesson plan activity and game will directly involve students in the oregon trail experience. Pack your wagon an oregon trail lesson in group decision making, and what impacts our choices for teachers. Have each group present its version of the peace treaty. After some brainstorming, and talking through some ideas with my student. Relive the pioneer experience in your classroom with this easytoimplement, weeklong simulation. Working in groups, they will write a scene for the movie that is historically accurate and based on the kinds of experiences emigrants actually encountered on.
The oregon trail incorporates simulation elements and planning ahead, along with. Senser vice president for breath play punishment domination travel were working to friend and disappointing his. Simulation oregon trail lesson plan for 5th 8th grade. The included inclass mapping activity takes students on the journeys of the earliest settlers.
The overland trail the majority of those heading west packed their. Oregon trail simulation oregon trail, road trip with. Oregon trail diary lesson plan from teacher resources apples to oregon literature unit study from the modern day mom budgeting for the oregon trail family budgeting lesson plan. Simulations washington state council for the social studies. As a covered wagon party of pioneers, you head out west from independence, missouri to the willamette river and valley in oregon. As wagon trains continued to head west, this trail became more defined. Western expansion units, many core knowledge blazing the western trails with 6 handouts. Roughing it on the oregon trail activities teachervision. It was a rough path, somewhat connected, made by trappers and native americans. Oregon trail interpretive center, or it can be done in the classroom using only. While similar simulations are available through computer software such as the oregon trail, these lesson plans outline how to do a wagon train simulation in an old school, lowtech, lowcost way. While a few people continued to look for other ways to get to their.
Come travel the oregon trail with this student centered lesson. Oregon trail education resources guide 2016 version. Here is a huge list of free oregon trail resources and unit studies to help your kids learn more. Our classroom encyclopedia recommended for grades 46 developed by bethany andrews, jacob carter, and matthew epplin. Kids play the part of a male pioneer emigrating west with his family by covered wagon. These lesson plans were written as a guideline to teach the oregon trail.
Students begin their journey in independence, missouri by forming their wagon family. Oregon trail file folder game from file folder fun oregon trail map from oregon trail word search from printable oregon trail map that shows the path of the travelers from independence, missouri to oregon. The oregon trail is an educational simulation game teaching kids what it was like to be a pioneer traveling west in the 1800s. I am currently writing my own oregon trail classroom simulation and plan to use it next spring. Our oregon recommended for grades 68 developed by christine campanella and catherine mermelstein. Learning activity learn about supplies needed to survive on the trip west to idaho. In this lesson, students compare imagined travel experiences of their own with the actual experiences of 19thcentury pioneers. They then label a map of the trail with surrounding states and compass directions. Students make a trail meal, count a pioneers steps, map the journey, and list modern conveniences trailblazers did without source. Oregon trail simulation packet social studies activities. Reading comprehensions with references to oregon this section lists reading comprehensions on with references to the state of oregon.
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